Phases of Lunar Magic

First, I will say that many newcomers to astrology might initially believe a dark moon refers to a period of its invisibility, and they would be correct. However, they are often told a counterintuitive twist: The dark moon has a light in the waning crescent, and the “new” moon does not. I find this surprising for a discipline usually associated with intuition.

In my practice, the Dark Moon is the two-and-a-half days of the cycle when the Moon is not visible. Simple and obvious, it is powerful magic. The magic power of the dark Moon is about nurturing retreat. It is not the best time for setting intentions. Given the choice, we wait for the first light of the crescent to do that.

Camelia Elias gets to this point with her blog post:

With its ever-shifting face, the moon has been a source of fascination and inspiration throughout history. Its phases are associated with cycling magical periods, offering waves of tides to assist our intentions. However, the way we interpret and utilize these phases can vary. Here, I present lunar phases and the way I apply them to magical practice while acknowledging that there are diverse perspectives:

The phases most in question regarding differing names and assignments are the Waning Crescent, The Dark Moon, and the Waxing Crescent. The recent translations of Hellenistic era astrological texts illustrate that the idea of a planet being “in sight” of another planet is the basis for aspect doctrine (square, trine, conjunction, opposition, sextile) and is integrated into the foundation of astrology. The original construction of astrology was all about what was visible to us from the surface of the Earth with our eyes and the contemplation of how they “see” or relate to each other.

By extension, the first light of the new cycle is the New Moon, the waxing crescent. I surmise, not entirely without evidence, that most of our ancestors also thought about it this way, and I anticipate that most of us will again return to this language in the not-so-distant future.

Scholars have re-established this view by translating authors such as Vettius Valens, Julius Firmicus Maternus, and Claudius Ptolemy. For more, you can find the work of Chris Brennon, Austin Coppock, and Demetra George. Demetra is a specialist on the Moon as well as many other topics. It wouldn’t matter if it didn’t work, but it does. This is what I mean:

Each of the following moon phases lasts about two and a half days.

1. Dark Moon or No-Moon (New Moon for some)

Imagine the private restoration of soil shrouded in darkness. This is the potent energy of the Dark Moon. It's a time of inner rejuvenation and healing. Because the moon is invisible, its energy dips inwards, creating a space for introspection and restoration to fertility. This is the perfect phase for:

  • Self-care like meditation, journaling, or cleansing baths.

  • Nourish your physical and emotional well-being through healthy habits and restful sleep.

This will help you release negative emotions and limiting beliefs and restore them so you can proceed unobstructed.

It's appropriate to acknowledge that some do their initiatory rituals and spellwork during the invisible Moon. However, I feel that bypasses an essential ancient idea of the dark restorative significance of this period, which I acknowledge as the Dark Moon. Ultimately, the key is to find what resonates most deeply with you and experiment to discover the rhythm that empowers your magical practice. 

  • The Fifth Quality

There is also something called the fifth quality, when the Moon is conjunct with the Sun by one minute, like cazimi. The Picatrix describes it as “ …a great and noble quality. …reveals the Sun’s influence and brings forth works accomplished by the Sun: nor do these appear until the Moon manifests those previously concealed, illuminating what had previously been in obscurity.”

2. Waxing Crescent or New Moon

The entire waxing period, to the Full, is generally used for things we want to increase, excite, construct, and build up. As the first sliver of the moon peeks through the darkness, this is the "planting" phase where practitioners, including myself, set their intentions for the coming lunar cycle. 

The crescent moon, a sliver in the sun's light, signifies the beginning of a new journey. It's a time to:

  • Embrace the spark of possibility and visualize your desired outcomes.

  • Define your goals and desires with clarity and purpose.

  • Take concrete steps to initiate your projects and intentions with spell work or prayers. 

The fertile ground prepared during the no-Moon will nurture the seeds activated during the waxing crescent to flourish.

3. First Quarter Moon:

With the moon halfway illuminated, the energy becomes dynamic and action-oriented. This is the time to take initiative, overcome challenges, and attract what you desire. Think of it as a time to push forward, propelling your projects and intentions with focused energy.

4. Waxing Gibbous Moon:

As the moon continues to grow, the energy becomes one of abundance and refinement. This is the phase to solidify your efforts, fine-tune details, and prepare for manifestation. Imagine diligently tending your growing plants, ensuring they receive the proper nourishment to flourish.

5. Full Moon:

The moon's full radiance signifies a time of peak energy, culmination, and illumination. This is the experience the full bloom of your intentions. The fruits are full and they are at peak ripeness. 

6. Waning Gibbous Moon:

The entire waning period to the Dark is generally used for things we want to decrease, cool down, deconstruct, diffuse, and distribute. As the moon begins to shrink, the energy shifts towards reflection and inventory. This is the phase to accept the result of your effort combined with how it manifested in the world, therefore coming to terms with what did not manifest, make adjustments, and practice gratitude. Imagine parcelling rations to sustain and clearing away spent plants.

7. Third Quarter Moon:

Marking the halfway point of the waning phase, the energy becomes introspective and focused on integration and completion. This is the time to review progress, learn from experiences, and release any lingering negativity. Think of it as a time of reflection and quiet contemplation. It is a great time to express gratitude in person and in prayer. Also, you can feed fetishes, mojos, and loadstones if you do that monthly.

8. Waning Crescent Moon, Balsamic Moon (Dark Moon for some)

The final sliver of the moon represents the last of its light until the next cycle begins. It promisingly flickers hope that there will be a rebirth of new opportunities for your intentions during the course of another Moon cycle to come. It indicates the time to enter into rest. 

Remember, this is just a general guide. You can continually personalize your practice and work with the moon's energy in ways that resonate most deeply with you. Trust your intuition, experiment, and discover the unique rhythm of magic that flows alongside the lunar cycle.

Ethan Nicoll

Tarot readers in Fullerton, California