“When Geoffrey Hinton, often called the "Godfather of AI," left his position at Google in May 2023, I was struck with grave concern. It was an indication that something had happened to humanity that we will never be able to return from. You can call it innovation. I’ll call it Uranus in Taurus approaching Algol. The shakeup was going to take all of our heads! What value would independent thought have anymore? We still don’t know.”
The Tarot de Besancon
Marseille Tarot in Historical Context (Talk)
Based on sources that precede it, Le Tarot de Marseille came into a relatively consistent recognizable identity concerning images and style between the early modern period and the age of revolutions, roughly 1450-1850. It directly influenced the standard poker deck and served as the basis for the Rider Waite Smith and other decks.