Psychism is in the Eye of the Beholder

There is really no other thing to call it: A psychic fair is a psychic fair. Upon entering the premises, we are reminded somehow more acutely that the internal world can be expressed and perceived. In fact, it always is. Being surrounded by a concentration of people who make the exchange of awareness a priority to explore and craft creates a liminal space in which we are invited and encouraged to transform expectations into possibilities. 

Par for the course of working with the oracular, people occasionally ask me if I am psychic. I usually tell them that I don't know. I know that I stand at the edge with my tools and skills and report what I find there. The edge of what? Well, that's a great question, isn't it? My experience at a recent psychic fair reaffirmed that the edge is vast and multifaceted. Also, there are many directions toward which one can peer, gaze, squint, feel, or otherwise intuit from this multitude of vantage points.

When I say that my position concerning psychism was maintained in terms of the relativity from one worker to another as well as one state of consciousness to another, I don’t believe it is born of an egoistic reactivity or needs to blindly maintain a construct or to protect a mystery. I understand the nature of that kind of artifice, and I’m aware of what function it serves the human psyche. However, my position isn’t a position as much as a commonplace observation: One human contains possibilities for another, and it’s a sublime moment when people can puzzle out a successful exchange to elevate each other. I was reminded that spiritual gatherings like the New Earth Expo pull together people with the talent to do that. Lelia and I booked a plot of carpet at the N.E.E. last Sunday in San Diego and, in doing so, transformed ourselves into those who participated in that kind of work for the day.

Both hallways were bustling with activity. It was nice to get back to in-person readings. Lelia and I each read consecutive sessions from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm with only a few short breaks in between. We offered 15 and 30-minute readings and saw around 25 clients. It was very active and loud on the floor, so our voices worked overtime, yet we were still able to lock in and concentrate. The effort was worth it, and it was great to be received well, even while presenting ourselves in the practical Marseille card, Langue des Oiseaux, and Read Like the Devil styles.

It was a good gig, but are we psychic? We both experienced synchronicities that day. We had great conversations with people as we opened up to each other over cards to relate a wide range of topics, from ordinary to profound and sensitive issues. I was honored to share what I could from my experience and observations in the language of the cards.

From this point to the visible horizon, I will leave psychism in the eye of the beholder and continue to grow in my craft. And I will no longer hesitate to join a psychic fair.

Don’t hesitate. It’s on you.

Ethan Nicoll

Tarot readers in Fullerton, California