On U

Occasionally there comes a time when one must embrace the role of the enigmatologist, and I had a puzzle on my mind.

The words 'fortune' and 'future' obviously contain most of the same letters. With many different understandings of what they are and how they relate, they are used together and interchangeably. That is interesting to us who work with cards because we hear the terms used so frequently.

I wrote the words down in an open space between spread ideas on my notebook's page. I struck out each of their common letters, one for one, to see what remained, like a variation of preparing sigil work.

Fortune became 'on.'

Future became 'u.'

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I didn't know until that obvious moment that it was the result I wanted to see. I lead myself right to it. It said, "You read to glimpse something of a fortune in the future, but ultimately, you are the agent who must get involved to identify, create, and seize it."

We do this all the time. We look for what we want to find. We find what we want to see. We create ways to work it out. Not all of our internal functions are known to us. Yet, if we encourage the creative impulse of play and imagination, we can give ourselves breadcrumbs to follow to more extensive parts of ourselves. Artists know this. Children know this.

What is your lot? Your alchemical gold? Is there a fortune piled behind the dragon you are destined to confront? If you find the dragon, you can fight for the gold, but when you examine your actions, is it evident you are really trying to find the dragon?

The cards are an endless source of stories that really happen, but this is an active participation game. If your cards lay-out a plan, a potential solution, for a problem that hitherto had no plan, now you have one to try. If your cards tell a story you can't accept, avoid playing-out that script. If your cards suggest that your desire is within reach, be particularly careful: Guess who is often near a seemingly unguarded treasure.

The cards have given you a story to consider.

Like it? Do it.

Don't? Don't.

It's On U.

Ethan Nicoll

Tarot readers in Fullerton, California