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Ethan on the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour, Radio Show, Reversing Spells

  • myselfismycards Fullerton, Ca United States (map)

Ethan will be a guest on the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour to talk with Miss Cat and Conjureman Ali about reversal spells.

The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour is a call-in radio show, broadcast live on the air, and via the world wide web through Blog Talk Radio. Each week our professional practitioners discuss a different topic, and then the lines are opened up to callers from around the country -- and around the world. Your co-hosts, catherine yronwode and ConjureMan Ali perform live, on-air divinations for the audience members and offer practical, traditional, old-style conjure and rootwork remedies and magical spells to address the caller's condition.

Show Time:

  • 3:00 PM Sunday, Pacific Time

  • 4:00 PM Sunday, Mountain Time

  • 5:00 PM Sunday, Central Time

  • 6:00 PM Sunday, Eastern Time

To get a FREE reading and rootwork advice, you must sign in at the Lucky Mojo Forum, then call in by telephone during one of our LIVE broadcasts, pressing the number '1' to let us know you are one of those who want to be on the air. You can listen to the show through your phone line while waiting in the queue. If you are selected, you may use a pseudonym, and you will receive a card reading and rootwork spell-casting advice.

Call-in Number:

  • 1-818-394-8535

We encourage everyone with an interest in conjure to get involved with the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour, either as a listener or as a call-in participant.

Listen via the World Wide Web
while the show is on the air!